Research programme

DDSC - Dike Data Service Centre


The Netherlands


Stichting IJkdijk - EUR 800,000

Project period

2013 - 2015

The Dike Data Service Centre (DDSC) is an IT platform founded on a national database for the storage of measurement data concerning dikes and water barriers. This involves both real-time and historical data. Linking the data of several water boards makes it possible to compare the data of similar dikes through time.

IT technologies such as electronic sensors are increasingly being used to manage and monitor water barriers, resulting in a vast increase in the amount of (digital) data collected. Consequently, there is a growing need for an effective data management system to collect - and more importantly make accessible – all this data. The Dike Data Service Centre provides an integrated solution to store and effectively use the information for the management of water barriers.

Examples of data that can be saved include: height measurements, subsidence (in x, y, z directions), water and ground water levels, soil saturation, temperature, infrared and radar scans.

User benefits

The DDSC is not just a database, but an IT platform on which various functions are facilitated:-

Alarm systems: The DDSC can alert the user by SMS or email if predetermined alarm limits are exceeded. Alarms can be set for both the current measurement data and the derived and predicted data.

Storage and use of data: It is possible to store all dike data in a clearly structured manner, including real-time measurements, historical measurements, dike profiles, soil data, filed observations, test results and inspection reports. The DDSC can also be linked to a management register. Linking to DAM, for instance, provides reliable up-to-date information about current water levels and tensions.

Access: Information can be easily accessed via PC, tablet or mobile telephone, with a built-in user rights model and data protections system controlling who has access to the data.

Building of the DDSC

The DDSC is being built for Stichting IJkdijk by the consortium of Nelen & Schuurmans and Fugro GeoServices B.V.


The Dike Data Service Centre is developed by a partnership between Stichting IJkdijk, the province of Groningen, and water barrier managers Vallei en Veluwe, Waternet, Noorderzijlvest, Wetterskip Fryslân and Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden. DDSC is part of the IJkdijk development programme, which is funded by the Ministry of Economics, Agriculture and Innovation, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, Samenwerkingsverband Noord Nederland, Flood Control 2015, the Province of Groningen, water barrier managers, STOWA and the affiliated companies under them.

Stichting IJkdijk is a joint venture between the Dutch private and public sector and knowledge institutes. The foundation was established by Deltares N.V. NOM, STOWA, Sensor Universe and TNO. ­The DDSC is part of the IJkdijk development programme, built for Stichting IJkdijk by Fugro GeoServices B.V. and Nelen en Schuurmans.

Fugro Contact: Bujar Nushi (
