Research programme

IT-TIME – Assessment of time variation of seismic risk: Application to Istanbul




ANR (The French National Research Agency) - EUR 485,000

Project period

2015 -2017 (48 months)

The general objective of the Project IT-TIME is to improve the efficiency of the methodology of time-varying seismic risk mitigation based on continuously recorded data and its capability of protecting human activities.The project aims to establish best practice on how to use jointly all the information coming from earthquake observations and continuous vulnerability assessments.

Earthquake scenarios are needed for city planning, disaster preparedness, risk reduction and hazard mitigation decisions, and urban rehabilitation actions in earthquake prone areas. Earthquake loss estimation in an urban environment is a very complex process that requires detailed building inventories, realistic estimation of earthquake shaking on the ground surface and comprehensive assessment of building vulnerabilities, including its variations during co- and post-seismic periods.

Furthermore, earthquake hazard is spatially distributed and presents temporal variations in relation to earthquake sources that need to be assessed based on the regional seismotectonic scale and local site conditions. Mapping the spatial and temporal variation in earthquake hazard at an urban scale makes it possible to better estimate the less affected zones for the allocation of appropriate land use and to minimize possible earthquake damage.


  • BRGM, Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (France)

  • ISTerre, Institut des Sciences de la Terre (France)

  • Fugro-GEOTER (France)

  • IFSTTAR, L'Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux (France)

Fugro Contact: Francois Dunand (
