Fugro launches MASSPeople International Working Group for remote and autonomous training standards
18 Feb 2021
Aberdeen, UK
In partnership with SeaBot XR, a leading agency for next-generation cutting-edge learning products and services, and the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Fugro has launched MASSPeople, the Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) International Training Standards Working Group.
The group consists of representatives from European and international maritime authorities who will collaborate to develop world-class training and competency standards for remote and autonomous vessels.
The introduction of remote and autonomous technology has brought new ways of working to the maritime sector, and the aim of MASSPeople is to explore the human dimension of remote and autonomously enabled marine surface vessels. Fugro and SeaBot XR have already been working together since 2019 to develop new standards and a training framework through which Fugro's employees can be upskilled in the operation of remote and autonomous vessels, and the new working group will continue these initiatives. MASSPeople will provide recommendations on new competency standards for inclusion into the International Convention of Standards on Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW); the group will also propose specialisms, training structures and qualification requirements for remote and autonomous operators. By focusing on the mariners who operate this new technology, the group aims to ensure that their skills can evolve effectively and to high industry safety standards.
Remko Kloos, Fugro’s Global Director for Fleet Services, said: "By establishing MASSPeople, we are preparing for the future and the transition to remote and autonomous technology, which is already changing the way our industry operates. This new technology contributes to Fugro’s purpose of creating a safe and liveable world, but it is ultimately our people who make change happen and MASSPeople will ensure they are fully trained and supported in their important mission.“
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