Thought Leadership

World Hydrography Day: The future of hydrography

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26 Jun 2020


Fugro Media

Methods of gathering data for hydrographic surveying and nautical charting have evolved considerably since the IHO, then known as International Hydrographic Bureau, was formed nearly 100 years ago. Of course, hydrographic data acquisition has come a long way since then but, in the week of World Hydrography Day, we ask: where is hydrography headed?

Ocean challenges

Challenges such as climate change, population growth, and coastal urbanisation are driving demand for hydrographic and oceanographic information. Fugro is responding to this demand in multiple ways, including participation in The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 project, the global initiative to map the entire ocean floor by the year 2030. Knowing the depth and shape of the seafloor is fundamental for understanding the oceans and supporting the blue economy, and Fugro is contributing to Seabed 2030 by supplying in-transit bathymetry data and investing in innovative technology which directly benefits the hydrographic community and its beneficiaries in their management of the world’s oceans and resources.

Watch the video to find out about the innovative technology Fugro is developing that will ensure the global hydrographic community is even better positioned to play a more efficient, effective and important role in managing the marine environment and resources:


Fugro solutions

As Seabed 2030 demonstrates, effective hydrography is based on high-quality data at scale. We offer a range of digitally integrated solutions for hydrographic data collection that is faster, more efficient and more sustainable:

  • Back2BaseT enables large survey data files to be reliably and economically transferred from offshore survey platforms to a dedicated office. Efficient data transfer reduces onboard data processing staff while also reducing costs and HSSE exposure

  • Office Assisted Remote Services (OARS®) provides centralised command centres throughout the world with 24/7 support by qualified surveyors, allowing for efficient monitoring and remote support of survey projects

  • Rapid Airborne Multibeam Mapping System (RAMMS) is a lightweight, easily mobilised airborne lidar bathymetric (ALB) system developed by Fugro and Areté. It delivers high-quality, high-resolution coastal and nearshore bathymetric datasets in a fast and cost-effective manner

  • We have also added the Echo Sounder VIII to our current fleet of deepwater Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) for high-resolution seabed exploration and mapping. The latest addition is rated to 4500 m with a payload that includes multibeam echosounder, sub-bottom profiler, magnometer, synthetic aperture sonar and a CathX camera system with pipe-tracking

  • Fugro’s Autonomous Survey – 900 (FAS-900) is a compact and easily mobilised uncrewed surface vehicle designed for safe and efficient acquisition of hydrographic and geophysical surveys in both nearshore and offshore environments

As well as providing clients with faster and more accurate data, many of these innovations are helping us increase our data contributions to Seabed 2030.

The world is changing fast and, at Fugro, we recognise the importance of hydrography in protecting coastal communities, improving ocean health and sustainably developing ocean resources. Our innovations in hydrography help address these global challenges and ultimately increase our support of Seabed 2030.

David Millar

Government Accounts Director

A bright future

The science of hydrography has always been important but never more so than in today’s world. The effects of climate change, and the resulting need to protect coastlines and understand the world’s oceans, mean that hydrography is even more relevant than ever before. The demand for efficient and sustainable hydrographic data collection is fundamental to the future of hydrography and will continue to drive innovation in the sector, and Fugro is delighted to be onboard.

Blue Shadow USV hydrographic survey vessel.jpg

Our USVs will consume up to 95 % less fuel than traditional vessels, supporting international ambitions for zero global emissions in the marine industry.

Did you know?

  • World Hydrography Day was first celebrated in 2005

  • The IHO chose 21 June because the IHO was formed on 21 June 1921

  • Next year the IHO will be celebrating their 100th anniversary!


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